Clearfy Cache Pro WordPress Optimization Plugin v2.3.0


Wordpress优化插件clearfy Cache Pro

Clearfy Cache Pro WordPress Optimization Plugin

  Thousands of users have optimized their WordPress sites with the Clearfy plugin. It is a versatile and free tool with a ton of settings. Combine it with other plugins and you’ll get a more optimized and secure WordPress site.

  Optimize your website’s SEO and speed in 5 minutes

  Clear website code from junk;

  Eliminate WordPress vulnerabilities;

  Speed ​​up search engine indexing;

  Fix errors in other plugins;

  Make your WordPress simpler, more convenient and faster.

  You get over 50 useful WordPress website optimization features mixed and packed into the only Clearfy plugin. Plus, we have high-quality video courses and tutorials to help you understand plugin settings. But don’t rush to download it before you understand the history and benefits of Clearfy.

  Perhaps you know situations where you need to remove redundant code, widgets, or duplicate pages from your website. Sometimes you insert code snippets that you found online or paid a lot of money to have done by freelancers. Now you have a great opportunity to optimize WordPress with the Clarify plugin without wasting time with experts or using questionable solutions.

  Page indexing for websites, blogs and online stores is improved;

  Pages rank better in search engines after duplicate content is removed;

  Websites become more search engine friendly, improving SEO and traffic.

  Do you want the same or better results? Download Clearfy for free and see for yourself! Configuring the plugin takes only 5-10 minutes. Imagine how long it would take you to find and configure all the optimization scripts and plugins if you didn’t have Clearfy as an all-in-one solution.

WordPress SEO plugin SEOPress PRO

Clearfy Cache Pro WordPress Optimization Plugin Features

  Page Cache

  Clearfy Cache is a simple but powerful WordPress cache plugin that is easy to use, requires minimal configuration, and most importantly, helps improve website performance and shorten loading times. It creates static HTML files of front-end pages and stores them on the server’s disk. This allows static HTML files to be delivered instead of dynamically generating pages, thus avoiding resource-intensive backend processes for the WordPress core, plugins, and database.

  How does caching work? Clearfy Cache captures page content and saves it as static HTML files on the server’s disk. Depending on the plugin settings and the HTTP request, the static HTML file created may be one of several possible cached versions. The accepted static HTML file is then delivered without any database queries or dynamic compression, resulting in faster page loads.

  **Enable caching

  **Browser caching (Pro)

  **Mobile caching (PRO)

  **Widget caching (PRO)

  Performance optimization

  Minimize HTML — Compress your code to load your site faster.

  Minimize CSS — You can reduce the size of css files

  Minimize JS — You can reduce the size of css files

  Critical CSS — Add the CSS file or CSS code to the critical section so that it is connected to the very beginning of the page.

  **Defer JS and CSS

  Code Cleanup

  Disable RSS Feeds — If you are using WordPress only for a website and not a blog, then disable RSS.

  Disable Emojis — Even if you don’t put any smileys, emojis can generate extra code and slow down your site.

  Remove jQuery Migrate — If you use several popular plugins that are updated regularly, then you can safely remove jQuery Migrate.

  Disable embeds — If you don’t want to insert videos in your posts or pages, turn off embeds.

  Remove dns-prefetch — May improve image loading in some cases.

  Remove RSD links — If you create posts and pages inside WordPress, you don’t need the Real Simple Discovery feature.

  Remove wlwmanifest links – 99% of the time this feature is not necessary for you if you publish posts and pages through the WordPress interface.

  Remove short links – if you use permalinks, short links are not needed.

  Remove previous/next post links in HEAD – if you don’t use this blog, remove the previous and next post links.

  Remove .recentcomments styles – if you want to change the “Related Posts” widget style, remove it.

  WordPress SEO Optimization

  Automatically insert alt attribute — Set alt attribute for all images in posts and pages if alt does not exist.

  Create correct robots.txt — Helps to create a perfect Robots.txt to improve indexing or turn off ones that will not be indexed.

  Automatically insert last modified title — It helps search engines understand which posts and pages were last modified and index them first.

  Return If-Modified-Since header — Improves indexing, telling search engines that pages and posts have changed.

  Remove post title from Yoast SEO breadcrumbs — Clips the title from the breadcrumbs of a page or post.

  Remove image:image tags from Yoast SEO XML sitemap — Eliminates sitemap errors for Yandex Webmaster.

  Disable Schema JSON-LD — Prevents Google from generating advanced search snippets with links to your site’s pages.

  Disable SEO Yoast’s structured data – Disable the structured company data generated by Yoast SEO.

  Remove Yoast SEO comments from the title section – Remove data from the code that indicates that your website has been optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin.

  Remove WordPress Page Duplicates

  Remove Date Archives – Completely remove date archives and set redirects to home page.

  Remove Author Archives – Completely remove author archives and set redirects to home page. This feature is useful if the author of the website is single.

  Remove Tag Archives – Remove tag archives and redirect to home page.

  Remove Attachment Pages – By default, each media file has its own page. Clearfy will remove them and redirect to the page or post where this media file was inserted.

  Remove post pagination — Single posts do not need page navigation. It is better to delete it and create some posts.

  Remove ?replytocom — Eliminate duplicate comments in posts.

  WordPress Privacy Settings

  Remove generator meta tags — Remove version information.

  Remove style file versions – This will complicate the process if someone wants to hack your site.

  Remove Javascript file versions – It becomes more difficult to determine the version of installed plugins and hack into your site.

  Remove query strings – This helps cache JS and CSS and makes your site load faster.

  Remove HTML comments – Hackers cannot determine the version of themes and plugins through comments in the code.

  WordPress Defense

  Hide author login information — Makes hacking more complicated. It is harder for hackers to find your login information.

  Hide WordPress login error messages — attackers don’t understand what he entered wrong, login or password.

  Disable XML-RPC — disable pingback and trackback.

  Disable X-Pingback Links — Removes links and the ability to spam using pingbacks.

  WordPress Widgets

  WP Widgets Disable — Remove all or selectively remove WordPress widgets (links, archives, meta, search, etc.)

  WordPress Updates: Core, Plugins, Themes

  Automatic Plugin Updates — Turn it on and you no longer have to think about plugin updates.

  Disable plugin updates — Disable plugin updates and update notifications. You can disable updates for all plugins or for each plugin individually.

  Automatic theme updates — All your themes will automatically update.

  Disable theme updates — All your themes will stop updating and notifying about updates.

  Disable translation updates — Disable automatic translation updates for themes and plugins.

  WordPress Auto Updates — Your WordPress will automatically update.

  Disable WordPress Updates — Completely disable WordPress updates.

  Disable Update Notifications — Users who do not have permission to update themes, plugins, and WordPress will not receive update notifications.

  WordPress Comments

  Disable Comments — Allows you to completely disable WordPress comments overall or for selected post types.

  Delete Comments/Delete Comments — Delete WordPress comments completely.

  Turn off comments — Turns off WordPress comments completely and removes the Comments section from the left menu.

  Remove URL/Website Field from Comment Form — Removes the Comment Author Website field.

  Replace outbound links in comments with Javascript — All external links in comments are reliably turned off from search engine indexing.

  Replace outbound links from comment authors with Javascript – search engines no longer index links to comment author’s website.

  Admin notifications, WordPress update notifications

  Disable admin notifications – hide all or selected notifications from WordPress administrators.

  Heartbeat API optimization

  Disable WordPress Heartbeat API – completely disable the Heartbeat API WordPress feature.

  Limit WordPress Heartbeat API — Limit the frequency of Heartbeat API requests.

  WordPress Admin Bar Optimization

  Remove, hide or disable the top admin bar — Disable the admin bar completely while browsing the site.

  Remove WP Logo from Admin Bar — Remove the WordPress logo to avoid accidentally clicking on it.

  Replace “Hello” with “Welcome” – Change the text of the WordPress greeting to make it more presentable and respectful.

  WordPress Post Optimization

  Disable Revisions – Completely disable post/page revisions.

  Limit Revisions – Limit the number of revisions per post/page.

  Disable Autosave – Disable autosave when editing posts and pages.

  Remove Smart Quotes – Disable automatic insertion of “typographical quotes”.

  Remove Auto Paragraph (Wpautop) – Disable automatic text formatting.

  WordPress Script and Style Manager (Asset Manager)

  Disable unused styles for plugins and themes – You can selectively disable unwanted styles and speed up your site.

  Disable unused scripts for plugins and themes – disable scripts in whole or in part and optimize your website loading.

  New practical tools and opportunities for WordPress optimization

  WP Asset CleanUp Manager (Gonzales), disable comments and delete comments from the database, heartbeat control, disable updates and enable automatic plugin and theme updates

  One-click optimization of WordPress

  As you can see, the Clearfy plugin has a wealth of WordPress optimization functions, and you can also turn off unnecessary functions with one click.

  You no longer need to open functions.php, insert kilometers of code, and end up with a seriously buggy site. Also, remember that WordPress is regularly updated, and at some inopportune moment your site may break because the manually inserted code has not been updated by anyone. It is better to use the Clearfy plugin, which is updated and supported by WordPress professionals, and in addition, it will not load your site.

  Of course, there are many similar solutions, but to replace Clearfy you need to install about 30 plugins, each of which plays only a small role in WordPress optimization.

  Therefore, the powerful Clearfy plug-in will become an indispensable assistant for your improvement:

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WordPress optimization plug-in Clearfy Cache Pro update log

 2.3.0 (05.12.2024)

Fixed: Minor bugs

 2.2.9 (05.12.2024)

Fixed: Compatibility with premium plugin

 2.2.7 (05.12.2024)

Added: Compatibility with WordPress 6.7

WordPress optimization plug-in Clearfy Cache Pro v2.3.0

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