服装家具WordPress主题Rey v3.1.0


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Rey fashion amp clothing furniture.png


服装家具WordPress主题Rey时尚和服装、家具 WordPress 主题主题可能是 WooCommerce 市场上最独特的产品之一,适用于家具店、时尚/服装和服装店、艺术家商店或画家和许多其他商店。 所有电子商务业务线的杰克。

Rey – 多用途 WooCommerce 主题

Rey 是一个精心设计的 WordPress 主题,具有强大的功能、令人惊叹的设计和坚实的基础设施,可为您即将开展的项目奠定基础。 虽然它主要被认为是电子商务特定的主题,但这只是其功能的一小部分。 因此,您可以安全地将其用于几乎任何类型的网站。

ThemeFuzz 致力于这个主题,作者希望通过惊人的新功能、改进、修复和设计不断更新它。

如果您有功能请求,请联系 ThemeFuzz。 我有一个庞大的待办事项列表,您的请求将帮助作者更好地优先考虑它们。


比较主题 Rey – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture 与其他主题相比

简而言之,ThemeFuzz 的意思是——一个现代、灵活、轻量级的主题,具有许多功能。

通常,功能和灵活性与轻量级相反,它基本上突出了主题,但 Rey Theme 并非如此。 由于它的模块化,一切都是按需加载的,经验法则是——只加载正在使用的东西。

至于其他人的作品,很多作品都是古老的题材,由于背景的复杂性,它们变得无懈可击。 同样,Rey 主题并非如此。 它的基础设施将始终优先考虑模块化,为当前和未来的项目提供稳定的基础。

演示: https://themeforest.net/item/rey-multipurpose-woocommerce-theme/24689383

推荐:WordPress赠品插件RafflePress Pro 

Changelog Rey – 时尚和服装、家具 WordPress 主题

02 July 2022
Improvement: Added option to disable WP emoji scripts, enabled by default;
Improvement: Added Instagram integration without depending on a plugin. To easily migrate the access token from the WPZoom Social Feeds please click on the migrate link;
Improvement: Catalog variation swatches, added option to redirect to product page on click;
Improvement: Product Grid, added new Query type choice – Recently Purchased;
Improvement: SideSlide cover added option to customize its height;
Improvement: Checkout custom layout, moved the coupon form outside of the review summary, only in the payments step;
Improvement: Cover Panels added description on hover;
Fix: Instagram widget, compatibility with WPZoom Social Feeds v2.0 plugin;
Fix: Search SKU sometimes not working;
Fix: Product Grid gallery, better display when having an inline video;
Fix: Price features, conflicting with related products variation form;
Fix: Modal sections, sometimes needing to click multiple times to close it;
Fix: Price in Add to cart button, not working when in Custom product template;
Fix: Custom sidebars, not working when having multiple ones created;
Fix: Product grid on mobiles as list view, not showing images sometimes;
Fix: Catalog variation swatches changing image with full rather then thumbs;
Fix: Product page variation swatches labels, not stretching;
Fix: Compatibility with Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce;
Fix: Ajax Search’s view all link not keeping post type;
Fix: Posts element, inner content skin not wrapped in link;
Fix: Variation swatches in catalog, disabled updating prices if only a single attribute is visible;
Fix: Product archive element, ordering not working.

⭐另请参阅:主题存储库 INFOXIAO 免费分享,每日更新

下载 Rey v3.1.0 

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。


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