响应式多功能WordPress主题Avada Theme v7.11.14


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响应式多功能WordPress主题Avada Theme

响应式多功能WordPress主题Avada Theme

响应式多功能WordPress主题Avada主题是市场上销量第一的 WordPress主题,超过 550,000 多名初学者、专业人士、代理机构、企业和创意人员转向 Avada 的设计自由。

这是一个干净、超级灵活且响应迅速的主题。 基于 HTML5 和 CSS3 构建。 它加载了许多选项并具有强大的设置。 干净、现代的设计可用于任何方向,包括商业、公司、投资组合、产品和其他网站。



特点:响应式多功能WordPress主题Avada Theme

  • Avada主题 具有直观的设计和编辑工具,可让您快速创建漂亮的网站。
  • 一个干净、现代、多用途的设计,可以适应和用于任何网站设计和布局
  • 7 年来市场上销量第一的 WordPress 主题
  • 几十个专业设计的Avada主题demo,一键快速导入
  • Avada主题超过 22,000 个评分,平均 5 星
  • 始终与最新的 WordPress 版本兼容
  • 始终与最新版本的 3rd 方集成插件兼容
  • WordPress 多站点 (WPMU) 测试和批准
  • 使用 HTML5 和 CSS3 构建
  • 100% SEO 优化并与 Yoast SEO 等插件完美兼容
  • 遵守严格的 WordPress 和 PHP 编码标准
  • 快速、可靠、优质网站的性能改进
  • 跨浏览器兼容性:FireFox、Safari、Chrome、IE9、IE10、IE11
  • 100% 响应式主题,具有像素级的精确度——您可以关闭响应性
  • Avada主题易于使用的 Fusion Builder 可视化编辑器,市场上最好的可视化页面构建器
  • 完全控制网页宽度; 内容区和侧边栏
  • 社交图标和主题图标是 CSS 字体图标
  • 直接通过 WordPress 管理界面自动更新主题
  • 自动补丁工具,一键应用修复和改进,没有其他主题有这个
  • 贯穿主题的双重灵活侧边栏
  • 支持栏1-6
  • 任何页面的一页视差功能
  • CSS3 动画在桌面/移动设备上启用或禁用
  • 兼容子主题 – 您的 Avada 包包含一个基本的子主题
  • Avada主题高度关注排版、可用性和整体用户体验
  • 现代网站的 jQuery 改进
  • JavaScript 文件会自动合并和缩小以提高性能
  • 用于 CSS 的 JS/PHP 编译器,将所有样式组合到一个生成的文件中以提高性能
  • 包括 Font Awesome 图标集,完全集成,可激活 Font Awesome Pro 以与 Avada 一起使用
  • 与许多流行的插件兼容,例如 WPML、Yoast、W3TC、Contact Form 7、JetPack、Gravity Forms、Slider Revolution、Layer Slider、WooCommerce、The Events Calendar、bbPress、BuddyPress、WP Rocket、All In One SEO、NextGen Gallery、UpDraft Plus



v7.8.0 - July 12th, 202
- NEW: Added dark mode to the full UI of Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added a page structure Navigator to Avada Live Builder for easy navigation through all content
- NEW: Typography sets using global sets will now display the set name on hover in Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added a preference to have option sub-groups collapsible for easier option management in Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added an option to set your preferred builder interface (back-end/front-end) for auto-loading
- NEW: Added Instagram element
- NEW: Added WooCommerce Mini Cart element
- NEW: Added WooCommerce Filters element
- NEW: Added background mask and pattern options to the Container element
- NEW: Added sticky columns setup including responsive choices and offset
- NEW: Added transform options to Column element for awesome default and hover effects
- NEW: Added new mobile mode and sticky options to Tabs element and lots of new styling options
- NEW: Added support for Adobe Fonts (Typekit)
- NEW: Added support for filters in Post Cards element including lots of styling options
- NEW: Added masonry layout and isotope support to Post Cards and Post Card Archives element
- NEW: Added load more functionality and load more button styling options to the Gallery element
- NEW: Added sorting options to the Gallery element
- NEW: Added margin options to all suitable elements that did not have them already
- NEW: Added form input validation pattern options to Text, Email, Phone, and Password elements
- NEW: Added options to set a custom invalid form field input notice to Avada Form elements
- NEW: Added z-index options to Column and Image elements
- NEW: Added option to choose if 100% width template should be the default page template
- NEW: Added option to choose the user type for which post views should be counted
- NEW: Improved the close options tab for Off-Canvas and added an option to automatically close after a set time
- NEW: Added alignment, margin, and dynamic data options to Before & After Image element
- NEW: Added dynamic data options to the Image Hotspot element
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to automatically clear WP's object cache on post save and delete
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to automatically remove empty element parameters from the post content output
- PERFORMANCE: Portfolio- and FAQ-specific CSS will now be skipped when the CPTs are disabled even if CSS compiler is off
- PERFORMANCE: Removed code specific to older versions of Edge browser from Container and Column elements
- SEO: Added new heading tag selection options to Tab, Toggles, and FAQ elements
- SEO: Added new heading tag selection any typography options to Flip Boxes, Social Sharing, Blog, and Recent Posts elements
- SEO: Added structured data options to YouTube and Vimeo elements
- SEO: Added div to the tag selection of Avada Slider Heading and Caption options
- IMPROVEMENT: Required plugin auto-update note will now be automatically triggered after Avada update
- IMPROVEMENT: Fixed flickering of Avada Live Builder UI when using CSS filter options
- IMPROVEMENT: Slider visibility Page Option now also working correctly on setups using page cache
- IMPROVEMENT: New styling for pagination of Avada's admin page screens
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Avada Forms data to the JS submit event for easier data handling
- IMPROVEMENT: Added prevention of loading loop when global elements reference themselves in element content
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed Button element and Tab element tabs to use inline-flex to vertically center icons and text
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Post Card edit button to Post Card Archives element
- IMPROVEMENT: Minimum spacing of 0 is now possible in Post Cards element
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.0
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0 Beta 3
- UPDATED: modernizr JS script to version 3.12
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added aria-labelledby attributes to Toggle and FAQ content wrappers
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-expanded attribute being incorrect in Faq element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed the landmark for legacy page title bars
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed the landmark for the to top button
- ACCESSIBILITY: Changed custom header and footer wrappers to use generic divs, to allow Container element tag selection to create a landmark
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Filter Addons plugin filters being reset when products get sorted
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin not working with layout builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Custom Template for LearnDash plugin not working with layout builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed latest version of WooCommerce Paypal plugin causing a fatal error when using the layout builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed PolyLang not copying correct term for layout sections when creating copy for secondary language
- FIXED: JS compiler creating cached JS for each page instead of only pages with different JS components
- FIXED: Container width being wrong interior width is set to site width in a post using a content layout section with container interior width set to 100% width
- FIXED: Custom icons not being applied in Toggles and FAQ elements
- FIXED: iFrame lazy loading option causing video responsiveness to break
- FIXED: iFrame lazy loading breaking Google Maps iFrames
- FIXED: Product in cart icon incorrectly positioned if rollover is disabled
- FIXED: Site width incorrectly changing when using boxed mode and header is disabled
- FIXED: ACF fields added to author profiles not being correctly pulled when using dynamic data in layout sections for author archives
- FIXED: Countdown element being hidden when set to be removed after expiration if countdown is manually set but still active
- FIXED: Image element captions not being hidden when element visibility is removed when using above/below settings
- FIXED: Shortcode generator button missing from TinyMCE in text mode in WordPress 6.0
- FIXED: Button styling issue in Performance Wizard
- FIXED: Font-family change not being correctly saved when running the Performance Wizard
- FIXED: WooCommerce Featured Products Slider and WooCommerce Product Carousel not showing sale and out-of-stock badges correctly
- FIXED: Author name being displayed instead of post title in Post Cards element on author archive page
- FIXED: Section Separator default CSS overriding element CSS when using critical CSS
- FIXED: Old image placeholder markup causing width overflow in some cases
- FIXED: Lightbox not working for posts loaded through infinite scroll in Post Cards element
- FIXED: Lightbox in Image Carousel not working when using dynamic data set to Woo Gallery
- FIXED: Tooltip element having lower z-index than its animated Container parent, hiding the tooltip
- FIXED: Scroll section not always working when a direct link to a specific section is used
- FIXED: Videos not stopping when Modal element is closed if video facade option is used
- FIXED: Default columns not using default column spacing option when editing library containers
- FIXED: Vertical Menu widget not opening sub-menu when current page is part of it, when using custom menu mode
- FIXED: Self-hosted videos not stopping when Off-Canvas is closed
- FIXED: Combine third party CSS files option, when enabled, breaking The Events Calendar Pro V2 views
- FIXED: Font size CSS for headings missing from Off-Canvas
- FIXED: Line breaks in Textblock elements being removed in Off-Canvas
- FIXED: Scroll option still being applied in Off-Canvas, even if overlay is turned off
- FIXED: End date of The Events Calendar events not being considered for multi-day events when only showing upcoming events in Post Cards element
- FIXED: WooCommerce Archive Number of Product Columns option not correctly working in RTL languages
- FIXED: Border-radius of 0px not working in Icon element
- FIXED: Default database submission action in Avada Forms not working, unless explicitly set
- FIXED: Avada Forms saving of POST form submission method not working correctly
- FIXED: Avada Forms POST to URL (non-ajax) not being available
- FIXED: Avada Forms not allowing for empty submission action
- FIXED: Single field placeholders not encoding HTML entities in Avada Forms email notifications
- FIXED: Checklist values not always being correctly displayed in Avada Forms email notifications
- FIXED: Zero as value not working in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Private forms not being shown in the Avada Forms list
- FIXED: Avada Forms upload fields not being sent as links in notification emails
- FIXED: Avada Forms upload field links being displayed as raw HTML in the back-end
- FIXED: Custom Global Typography sets not being applied correctly when set on element base
- FIXED: Set scroller not working correctly in Page Option icon picker option
- FIXED: Tags post meta not being rendered for WooCommerce products in Archive element
- FIXED: Images being double lazy-loaded in the Image element
- FIXED: Point size option being set to 0 not working in the Chart element
- FIXED: WooCommerce Quickview not working correctly, when enabled in Post Card Cart alement but disabled in Global Options
- FIXED: Image element caption Dario not smoothly resizing on browser resize
- FIXED: PHP notice in helpers.php
- FIXED: PHP notice in Button element, when using deprecated shape param
- FIXED: PHP notice in Post Card element when using invalid post type
- FIXED: Fatal error happening in a few cases when connecting to HubSpot
- FIXED: Avada Builder buttons being available on edit screens where the content editor is turned off
- FIXED: Sidebars are not correctly shown when using preview mode in Avada Live Builder and editing a content layout section
- FIXED: Avada Forms Mailchimp script causing a JS error in Avada Live Builder in some cases
- FIXED: Filtering of Page Options not working correctly in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Removing a nested column not being recorded as history step in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Clear Layout button not working correctly when inserting element and container library items in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Rotation animation class being added to title element even if highlight is chosen in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Off-Canvass close button interfering with the Avada Live Builder UI
- FIXED: Box-shadow not always being correctly displayed in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: JS error when moving a Column element into an empty Container element

⭐另请参阅:主题存储库 INFOXIAO 免费分享,每日更新

免费下载 Avada Theme v7.11.14

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。
